Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jones Lang LaSalle

New Office Building For Roszel Road?

The West Windsor Planning Board is considering an application that would allow the construction of two three-story spec office buildings on Roszel Road totaling 100,500 square feet.

The application, submitted by RBA Associates, calls for the demolition of the current structure at 19 Roszel Road - a 10,500-square-foot, one-story building owned by Core Labs.
The board opened its hearing on the application - for preliminary and final major site plan approval - on May 17, and will continue the hearing on Wednesday May 31.

RBA is proposing the construction of a 62,500-square-foot building and a 32,000-square foot building. The site layout would be similar to the Commons at 7 and 9 Roszel Road, home to Tyco and Merrill Lynch.

According to Marvin Gardner, planning board chairman, the plan includes a large detention basin at the front of the 7.77-acre site. The basin will include a sculpture or other architectural feature "that would enhance the look of the area," says Gardner.

The project is located in the township's ROM-2 zone, which allows a maximum of 30 percent of the property to be developed. The site currently features 3.8 acres of wooded land, all but .77 acres of which would be removed.

The application requests six design waivers and two variances, the most significant of which involves the amount of parking on the site.

According to Gardner, township ordinances require a maximum of 335 parking stalls - 3.3 per 1,000 square feet of development. RMA is proposing 67 additional spaces. The spaces would be built in the wooded area on the site.

"We're trying to preserve whatever woodland we can," says Gardner. "We expressed serious concerns (about the additional parking) and raised the issue with the applicant."

The additional parking would put the project of the township's allowed maximum surface area coverage for that zone. Zoning allows for 50 percent of the site to be covered. The additional parking would add an additional 20,000 square feet of coverage, boosting the level to 57.3 percent.

Core Laboratories Refinery Systems (CLB), 19 Roszel Road, Princeton 08540-1224; 609-452-8600; fax, 609-520-1224. Home page: